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FFN - Family, Friend, and Neighbor Childcare


(links to source documents are in the postings below)

1. Comprehensive FFN Childcare Reading List - BUILD
2. FFN Policy Brief - BUILD
3. 2018 Federal Guidelines for FFN Care - National Women's Law Center
4. Local Strategies to Support FFN Childcare Providers - National Women's Law Center
Comprehensive Family, Friend, and Neighbor
Childcare Reading List 
Post #1
This site provides resources addressing the following FFN issues:
  • Introduction and Comprehensive Information on FFN Care
  • Demographic Information
  • Public Policy 
  • Supports for FFN Providers (including Community Building)
  • Quality of Care
  • Effective Philanthropy 
Family, Friend and Neighbor Childcare
Policy Brief
Post #2
FFN Policy Guide BUILD.PNG

From the Document: 


"When families seek someone to care for their infants or toddlers, they most often turn to grandmas. Family, friend and neighbor (FFN) care is the most prevalent form of “substitute care” for children birth to school-age. According to the most recent report from the Census Bureau, Who’s Minding the Kids, the majority of families with young children – particularly infants and toddlers – either provide care solely by themselves or draw upon family, friends, and neighbors for that care."


"This policy brief is intended to help states build a coordinated and comprehensive early childhood system of policies, programs, and services that is inclusive and responsive to the strengths and needs of families in all their diversity. Additionally, the approach detailed in this brief effectively promotes healthy growth and development, preventing health disparities and the academic achievement gap, and prepares children for future success."

Post #3
2018 Federal Guidelines for Family, Friend and Neighbor (FFN) Childcare

In 2016, 9% of children receiving federal Child Care Development Block Grant (CCDBG) assistance were in FFN care. Maintaining FFN providers’ continued participation in the CCDBG program will require states—which set policies for CCDBG within federal parameters—to address new guidelines that require:


• Inspections:  States must conduct a pre-licensure inspection and an unannounced annual inspection for all regulated and licensed providers receiving CCDBG funds, and one annual inspection—which does not need to be unannounced—for license-exempt providers (except providers related to all children in their care) receiving CCDBG funds.


• Training: States must ensure that providers—including license-exempt providers—receiving CCDBG funds complete minimum pre-service or orientation health and safety training as well as ongoing training.


• Background Checks: States must require all employees of child care providers—i.e., all licensed, regulated, and registered child care providers as well as all license-exempt providers receiving CCDBG funds, except for relative providers—to undergo comprehensive criminal background checks prior to employment and to maintain employment.

Post #4

Local Strategies to Support FFN Childcare Providers

NWLC FFN Strategies 2016.png
This document provides descriptions of several state and local initiatives designed to support and improve Family, Friend, and Neighbor (FFN) childcare. 
It provides insights into "real world" initiatives that support and enhance the quality of care in this sector of out-of-home care.  
The document does not provide an analysis of the initiatives.
A Conceptual Model for Quality in Home-Based Child Care
Conceptual framework for home based care
The conceptual model described in this brief offers a new, structured approach for understanding, defining, and supporting quality in home-based child care settings. The purpose of the model is to highlight both features of home-based child care and facilitators of these features that are linked to outcomes for children, families, and providers. The model is intended to generate dialogue among researchers, practitioners and policymakers; it is a working model that will be improved over time as evidence accumulates from research and practice.
Conceptual Framework for Home Based Care
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