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Our Objective

To find and distribute high quality research within the Birth-to-Eight framework that contribute to our knowledge of early childhood literacy development and the implementation of effective strategies and services. We focus on addressing the patterns of social, economic and educational inequities based on race, ethnicity and economic status.  

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Our Story
In 2011, we developed an early grade reading strategy for the United Way in the Albany, New York area.  That work was part of joint effort of United Way Worldwide and the Annie E. Casey Foundation involving sixteen communities nationwide. To inform our work, we conducted an extensive review of the academic and professional literature which resulted in this birth-to-eight framework. 


We have developed this website to provide families, advocates and providers with easy access to high quality research and the best practices supporting healthy child development from birth to age eight with a focus on early language, emergent literacy and early grade reading.  RB5-RB8 does not sell any products or services. 


As July 2019 approaches we are still populating the site.  Check back often.  We welcome your feedback and comments to advance the cause.



Rosalind Kotz, Ph.D.

Scot Felderman

Ready by 5 - Reading by 8


Thanks! Message sent.


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Rosalind and I have spent the past 7 years examining academic research and professional papers related to early language, emergent literacy, and early grade reading.


I began as an Aliynski-style community organizer in Idaho, Wyoming, and Montana.  I authored the 1986 Fair Housing Plans for the City of Portland and Multnomah County, Oregon.


I also authored the Community Prevention Plan  for the 1997 Washtenaw County (Ann Arbor, MI) Family Services Collaborative Council. 


I worked for United Way nearly 25 years. Improving the quality and effectiveness of community-based social service programs was a priority.  This included extensive technical assistance in program design and evaluation with a focus on measurable client outcomes. 


I was also part of 2012 collaboration between United Way Worldwide and the Annie E. Casey Foundation on early grade reading.  


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Rosalind holds a Ph.D. from the University of Delaware in Urban Affairs and Public Policy.  


She holds a Masters degree in City and Regional Planning from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.  She was awarded the prestigious Presidential Management Intern placement at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.  


Rosalind received a Masters degree in Applied Human Development from the University of Oregon where she also received her Bachelors degree in Psychology. 


Rosalind worked around 20 years as a grant administrator for 3 local governments including CDBG, HOME, ESG, HOPWA and State and Local Community Development funding.  She represented the Mayor on a statewide 10-Year Plan to End Homelessness and the Homeless Planning Council which administered the Continuum of Care and HMIS (data system).


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